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Intensive courses

Our intensive programmes - as their name suggests - aim to concentrate a lot of learning in a short space of time. The Summer School is a skills development conference that we run each year for more experienced consultants; it is available only as a public programme; we do not run it in-house.

Summer school Our annual two-day conference provides consultants with the opportunity to refresh and upgrade their skills
Master consultant game "Master Consultant" is a High Intensity Training Seminar (HITS) based on a competitive game. It tests and teaches key tools and techniques that consultants can use at each stage of the CONSULT delivery process
High intensity training seminars (HITS) These sessions are for you if you want a rapid introduction or refresher of skills involved in delivering and selling consultancy.
Consultancy process Our Consultancy Process Course is an intensive two-day course based on our CONSULT process. It focuses on the key skills needed by consultants to win work and deliver results for clients.