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Our company

Calvert Markham and Ken Dietz formed Consultancy Skills Training Limited (CST) in 1989, since then we have gathered a team of first class associates, "graduates" of major consultancy practices now all independent practitioners, with extensive experience in training consultants. From the outset, we have focused on training in consultancy skills, initially designing and delivering only bespoke programmes - courses designed to meet specific needs.

We launched our programme of public courses in 1997 - the logic being that this would enable organisations that couldn't muster sufficient people for a bespoke course to participate in our more popular consultancy training courses. And of course, it enables new recruits to larger clients to be trained as they join.

And in 2007 we decided that we would re-brand ourselves as Elevation Learning. The reason? While we are well known for our outstanding training in consulting skills, the evidence is that many more people now require these skills in their jobs. With the new brand, we expect to be able to raise the consulting performance of many of those who do not currently identify themselves as needing consultancy skills.